Professeur adjoint de clinique
Coordonnées (clinique)
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, Site Institut de réadaptation Gingras-Lindsay de Montréal
6300 avenue Darlington
Montréal (Québec), H3S 2J4
T 514-340-2111, poste 142285
Coordonnées (École)
T 514 343-6111, poste 0835
- B.Sc. Physiothérapie, École de réadaptation, Université McGill (1994)
- M.Sc. Sciences biomédicales, Université de Montréal (2010)
- Ph.D. Sciences de la réadaptation, Université de Montréal (2014)
Champs d’intérêt
- Contrôle postural
- Lésion médullaire
- Interventions respiratoires en neurologie
- Réadaptation en neurologie
- Évaluations cliniques
- Qualités métrologiques des évaluations cliniques
Publications choisies
- Catz A, Itzkovich M, Rozenblum R, (…), Lemay JF et al. A multi-center international study on the spinal cord independence measure, version IV: Rasch psychometric validation. 2023; 31: 1-11.
- Musselman KE*, Chan K, Walden K, Lemay JF, Gagnon DH, Verrier MC (2022). Validity and responsiveness of the Standing and Walking Assessment Tool for Sub-acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal Cord. 2022; 60(12):1108-1114.
- Jervis Rademeyer H, Gastle N, Walden K, Lemay JF, Ho C, Musselman KE. Activity-based therapy for individuals with spinal cord injury/disease: perspectives of acute care therapists. Article soumis à Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2022; 8(39).
- Catz A, Itzkovich M, Elkayam K, (…), Lemay JF et al. Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure 4th Version in a multicultural setup. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2022; 103(3): 430-440.
- Lemay JF*, Musselman K, Unger J (2021). Une revue narrative du contrôle postural debout chez la personne présentant une lésion médullaire. Mains Libres. 2021;3: 197-205.
- Noamani A, Lemay JF, Musselman KE, Rouhani H. Postural control strategy after incomplete spinal cord injury: effect of sensory inputs on trunk-leg movement coordination. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 2020;17(1):141.
- Noamani A, Lemay JF, Musselman KE, Rouhani H. Characterization of Standing Balance after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: Alteration in Integration of Sensory Information. Gait and Posture 2020; 83: 152-159.
- Lemay JF*, Noamani A, Unger J, Houston DJ, Rouhani H, Musselman KE (2020). Using wearable sensors to characterize gait after spinal cord injury: evaluation of test–retest reliability and construct validity. Spinal Cord.
- Scovil CY, Delparte JJ, Walia S, Flett HM, (…), Lemay JF et al. Implementation of pressure injury prevention best practices across 6 Canadian rehabilitation sites: results from the spinal cord injury knowledge mobilization network. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2019;100(2): 327-355
- Lemay JF, Roy A, Nadeau S, Gagnon DH. French version of the Mini BESTest: A translation and transcultural adaptation study incorporating a reliability analysis for individuals with sensorimotor impairments undergoing functional rehabilitation. Annals of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine 2019;62(3):149-154