Professional associations
The physiotherapist (PT) is a health care professional who contributes to the prevention, the maintenance and the optimal functional recovery of the varied physical capacities relating to an individual’s cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and neurological systems.
For this purpose, this therapist is responsible for assessing the nature, the cause and the extent of the client’s physical impairments and disabilities, establishing rehabilitation objectives, planning the treatment and making recommendations. He or she ensures the application of the treatment through therapeutic exercises, manual therapy and various physical agents and ensures patient follow-up.
The physiotherapist works with clients of all ages. He or she can practise in different settings such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, private clinics and clients’ homes. Interventions can be of a preventive, curative or palliative nature and take into account the biological, psychological and social aspects of the person.
In addition to the essential qualities any health care professional should possess, the physiotherapist should have good manual and observational skills as well as a good physical endurance. Someone who wishes to practise physiotherapy must absolutely have a good tolerance for physical proximity since it constitutes an important characteristic of this type of therapeutic relationship. It is also essential to be able to work in a dynamic way within an interdisciplinary team.