Full professor
Contact details (research)
Centre de recherche du CHU Ste-Justine
Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant
5200 rue Bélanger, Montréal (Québec) H1T 1C9
Bureau : J.2.601.1.
T 514 374-1710, poste 8606
Contact details (School of Rehabilitation)
T 514 343-6111, ext. 17354
Occupational Therapy
Chair of the Canada Research Chair in Adolescent Work Disability Prevention
Website : http://adoprevit.org/
- Sc. Occupational Therapy, Université Laval (1994)
- Specialized Diploma – Ergonomic Intervention in the field of Ocupational Health and Safety (1995)
- Sc. Biology (Ergonomics), Université du Québec à Montréal (1997)
- D. Biology (Ergonomics), Université du Québec à Montréal (2011)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institute for Work & Health (2012)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategic Training Program on Work Disability Prevention (WDP), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto (2011-2013)
Current research projects
- Early prevention of occupational cancers for students learning semi-skilled trades.
- Development of digital tools to support health and safety at work in theWork-oriented Training Path (WOTP)
- Multidimensional models for employment access for people at risk of labor market exclusion.
- Considering sex and gender in occupational and environmental health: equity practices in prevention approaches.
Research Network
- Réseau Provincial de Recherche en Adaptation-Réadaptation (REPAR) (FRQS Fund) https://repar.ca/
- Équipe IDEA / VRAIE – Inclusive Design for Employment Access (Fonds Nouvelles Frontières – Transformation) https://vraie-idea.ca
- Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’IA et du numérique (OBVIA), axe Éducation et Capacitation (Fonds FRQ) : https://observatoire-ia.ulaval.ca/
- Initiative intersectorielle « Vers une société plus inclusive » (Fonds FRQ) https://societeinclusive.ca/
- Équipe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le travail « Santé, Genre, Égalité » (SAGE) (Équipe du FRQSC) http://sage.uqam.ca/
- Initiative transdisciplinaire sur l’avenir des politiques en matière d’invalidité professionnelle au Canada « Disability, Employment, and Public Policies Initiative »(DEPPI) (Initiative « Santé et Productivité » CRSH et IRSC) https://www.deppi.org/
Selected publications
- Laberge, M., Lefrançois, M., Chadoin, M., Probst, I., Riel, J., Casse, C., Messing, K. (2022). Gender and Work in Ergonomics : Recent Trends. Ergonomics, 65(11), 1451-1455. doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2022.2129806 | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00140139.2022.2129806
- Laberge, M., Vignet, M.*, Chatigny, C. (2022). “Development of a reflective learning method to support health and safety of adolescents with learning difficulties enrolled in a pre-work practicum”. Ergonomics, 65(11), 1509-1524.
- , M., Chadoin, M., Inigo, M.*, Messing, K., Lefrançois, M., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Chatigny, C., Riel, J., Webb, J., Fillion, M., Vaillancourt, C., Bellemare, M. (2022). Integration of sex and gender in ergonomic students’ interventions. Ergonomics, 65(11), 1578-1593.
- Laberge, M., Caroly, S., Riel, J., Messing, K. (2020). “Considering Sex and Gender in Ergonomics: Exploring the Hows and Whys”. Applied Ergonomics, (article éditorial évalué)
- Laberge, M., Blanchette-Luong, V.*, Blanchard, A.*, Sultan-Taïeb, H., Riel, J., Lederer, V., Saint-Charles, J., Chatigny, C., Lefrançois, M., Webb, J., Major, M.E., Vaillancourt, C., Messing, K. (2020). « Impacts of Considering Sex and Gender during Intervention Studies in Occupational Health: Researchers’ Perspectives ». Applied Ergonomics, 82.
- Laberge, M., Tondoux, A.*, Camiré Tremblay, F.*, MacEachen, E. (2017). Supervising the Occupational Health and Safety of apprentices enrolled in a semiskilled vocational training program: How gender identity impacts teachers’ strategies and power relationships with placement sites? New Solutions Journal, 27(3), 382-402. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1048291117725720.
- Laberge, M., Calvet, B.*, Fredette, M., Tablet, N.*, Bayard, D.*, Breslin, C. (2016). Unexpected events: learning opportunities or injury risks for apprentices in low-skilled jobs? A Pilot Study. Safety Science, vol 18, p. 1-9.
- Laberge, M., MacEachen, E and Calvet, B.* (2014). Why Occupational Health and Safety Training Approaches are not Effective as a Primary Prevention Strategy? Safety Science, vol. 68, p. 250-257.
Research interests
- Socioprofessional integration of adolescents with disability, such physical, mental or behavioral disability.
- Work disability prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary intervention aiming integration, retention and return to work of at-risk or injured workers
- Development, implementation, and evaluation of occupational health interventions in workplaces
- Modeling of integrated knowledge translation interventions
- Sex/Gender-based analysis