Jacqueline Rousseau, Ph.D.

Full professor

Contact details (research)
Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUMG)
Laboratoire REPÈRE (RElation PERsonne-Environnement)
4545 chemin Queen-Mary
Montréal (Québec) H3W 1W5
T 514 340-3540, poste 3249

Contact details (School of Rehabilitation)
514 343-6111 # 1070

Occupational Therapy


  • B. Sc. Occupational Therapy, Université de Montréal (1981)
  • M. Sc. Biomedical Sciences (Rehabilitation), Université de Montréal (1992)
  • Ph. D. Biomedical sciences (Rehabilitation), Université de Montréal (1997)

Current research projects

  • Aging in Place : Acting on Person-environment interaction by modifying the environments and by using technology (Vieillir chez soi: Agir sur la relation personne-environnement par l’aménagement des environnements et la technologie) (funded by FRQSC).
  • An assessment tool of the quality of the living environments (home, institution) for people affected by autism (Outil d’évaluation de la qualité des environnements domiciliaires et institutionnels fréquentés par les personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA)) (funded by OPHQ).
  • Machine learning: Improving the Intelligent Videomonitoring System (IVS) for falls and responsive behaviours detection for people living with Alzheimer’s or related diseases (Funded by Appui aux initiatives intersectorielles, Université de Montréal).
  • Winning pathways toward accessibility: the case of dental services for people using wheelchairs (funded by CIHR).
  • Aging in Place: Understanding the person’s interactions with the human and nonhuman environments (Funded by Alzheimer Society of Canada).
  • Aging in Place: Is technology useful for remotely evaluating minor home adaptation needs? (funded by CAREC)

Selected publications

Professor Rousseau is the author of the Model of Competence and the Home Assessment of Person-Environment Interaction (HOPE). A comprehensive booklet of the model and the Hope administration guide (French version; English version will be soon available) are available on the following website: https://evalorix.com/author/jacqueline-rousseau/

  • Rousseau, J., Potvin, L., Dutil, É., & Falta, P. (2013). Home Assessment of Person-Environment Interaction (HoPE): Content validation process. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 27(4), 289–307. doi: 10.3109/07380577.2013.843114
  • Lapierre, N., Carpentier, I., St-Arnaud, A., Ducharme, F., Meunier, J., Jobidon, M., & Rousseau, J. (2016). Vidéosurveillance intelligente et détection des chutes : perception des professionnels et des gestionnaires. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(1), 33-41. doi:10.1177/0008417415580431
  • Rougier, C., Meunier, J., St-Arnaud, A. & Rousseau, J. (2013). 3D Head Tracking using a Single Calibrated Camera. Image and Vision Computing, 31(3), 246-254. doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2012.11.003
  • Yip, J., Herbane, H., Poldma, T., & Rousseau, J. (2015). Exploration des cadres de construction des rampes d’accessibilite. Canadian Journal on Aging, 34(4), 457-470. doi:10.1017/s0714980815000161
  • Lapierre, N., Neubauer, N., Miguel-Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A., Liu, L., & Rousseau, J. (2018). The state of knowledge on technologies and their use for fall detection: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 111, 58-71. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.12.015
  • Tran, N., Lapierre, N., Meunier, J., St-Arnaud, A., Sit, C., & Rousseau, J. (sous presse). An intelligent video-monitoring system to detect dementia-related behaviours in institutions: A simulation study. Numéro spécial de Gerontechnology.
  • Morales, E., Pilon, M.-A., Doyle, O., Gauthier, V., Gamache, S., Routhier, F., & Rousseau, J. (2017). Which grab bar do you prefer in the bathroom? Journal of Enabling Technologies. 11(4), 123-137. doi:10.1108/JET-03-2017-0012
  • Rousseau, J. (2016). L’évaluation à domicile de l’interaction personne-environnement (ÉDIPE). In É. Trouvé (ed.), Agir sur l’environnement pour permettre les activités (pp.475-489). De Boeck Supérieur SA, Pays-Bas. ISBN : 978-2-35327-355-3.
  • Rousseau, J. (2017). Modèles généraux en ergothérapie: Le Modèle de compétence. In M. C. Morel-Bracq (ed.), Les modèles conceptuels en ergothérapie-Introduction aux concepts fondamentaux (2nd , pp. 107-119). Paris, France: De Boeck Supérieur. ISBN : 978-2-35327-377-5.

    Research interests

    • Measurement (development of assessment tools, psychometrics)
    • Environment: Person-environment interaction
    • Gerontechnologies
    • Community living, Aging-in-Place
    • Universal design, inclusive design and personalized accessibility